If You Want To Quit The Job You Don't Enjoy Working With Financial Success - Then You Must Read This Free Make Money Online Information

The Power of Blogging

by Name: Kurt | Thursday, August 21, 2008 in |

In the last 2 months, I had surf hundreds of websites and read hundreds of articles to find out a way how to make money online. But 90 per cent of it did not works for me. Most of the website just tell me a dream more than a goal. They are trying to making profits from me more than tell me the exact way to make money online. I sick and tired with the thousands of those similar websites which wrote the same stuff. For example, "I earn $47,000 per months, just buy this e-book to learn how you can make it too".

Based on my experience, I found that make money online is a very simple way to do. The first thing I gonna to tell you is that the most easiest way to make money online is by blogging. Millions of people now have their own blog. Simply go to blogger.com or wordpress.com to register for your free blog but I recommend you to have your own domain because you will gain full control of your blog. Choose a suitable domain name as attractive as possible which are related to your blog content too. Now you have a blog, the second things you have to do is write your post. Remember, "Content is the King". Every visitors surf your website have their own purpose and only your content will drive them come back to your site. Keep trying to write your own post twice per week. Write your own post, not copy and paste because only your own post make your site unique. Once search engine detect your site contains duplicate content, you won't have a high rank for your site.

After you have at least 10 post in your blog, sign up for google adsense account. Place your google adsense code to your html website and you will start to make money online once people click it. Then submit your site to search engine to get your url indexed. At last, keep trying to write and write more article and post it regularly. After you had write your article, submit it to article directory, blog directory, forum for free traffic. Once you gain visitor, you will gain money. So, this is the basic how to make money online.

Consistent Website Traffic Through Web 2.0

by Name: Kurt | Thursday, August 21, 2008 in |

While Web 2.0 marketing does require considerable time and effort at first, it is quickly becoming the ONLY source of consistent website traffic and the only way to build a stable online business that is not subject to the whims of the search engines.

Web 2.0 is the big buzz in website traffic these days. For those of you who aren’t yet familiar with what Web 2.0 is, for online marketing purposes, basically it is a shift away from website design and marketing tactics directed at search engine rankings and towards designing sites and using marketing tactics to appeal directly to the intended end-users. Web 2.0, also called “social marketing” is a conglomeration of news sharing sites, social networking sites, content sharing sites, and anything else that allows direct interaction between people on the internet. It’s really “word of mouth” marketing in the online world.

While most successful websites continue to get a significant amount of their traffic from search engines, relying on search engine traffic (generated either through “organic” placement in search listings or through paid placements through systems like Google Adwords), can be a risky and/or expensive proposition. Just because a site is #1 on Google today doesn’t mean it will be tomorrow. In fact, a slight change in a search engine’s algorithm could take your site from #1 to #100 (or 1000, or 1 million) overnight, and the majority of your traffic could literally vanish. If you’re relying on paid advertising like Adwords, you may have noticed that competition for good keywords is constantly increasing, and therefore the cost of purchasing good placement for your ads is likewise rising steadily.

By comparison, sites that get the majority of their traffic through Web 2.0 techniques are much more stable and maintain a low overhead. There are a couple of big advantages of using Web 2.0. First, you generate free links to your site, and that tends to help your search engine placements. Second, your site gets direct exposure to your target market - for free! Why do you want good search engine placement in the first place? So your target market will find your site, right? Well Web 2.0 puts your site in front of your target market AND helps improve your search engine rankings at the same time!

OK,Web 2.0 sounds good so far, so why isn’t everyone doing it? Well, because there’s one small hitch. Marketing your site effectively with Web2.0 techniques is a lot of work and is very time consuming. So, if you’re looking for easy money and want the ultimate “get rich quick” system, Web 2.0 marketing is definitely not for you. On the other hand, if you don’t mind working hard consistently for a year or two to build an authority site that gets consistently huge traffic and can be monetized any number of ways for ongoing high profits, Web 2.0 is probably not only the best way to go, it’s rapidly becoming the ONLY way to go.

To do Web 2.0 effectively, you need to have some resources and tools at the ready. First and foremost, you’ll need a list of all the social networking sites, social bookmarking sites, news submission sites, blogs, video sharing sites, etc. in the niche you are working in. There are various sources for this information, including searching Google for key words in your niche, and also searching terms like “social networking”. One of the best sources for this information that I’ve found is “The Authority Black Book”, by Jack Humphrey, which is available as a free download (see my resource box for more information).

Second, although you can of course do everything manually, using Web 2.0 effectively is time consuming, so you’ll benefit considerably by using whatever tools you can find to at least partially automate the process of both creating content to attract prospects in your niche and for submitting your content links to the various Web 2.0 sites you want to target. Various tools are available for speeding up link submission and generating “buzz” for your content, which increases your popularity on the Web 2.0 sites, increasing your visibility and links to your site, which ultimately provides SEO benefits. Some of these tools are competely free, such as Onlywire and SocialMarker, which allow you to submit a link to any URL on your site to mutiple sites simultaneously (once you’ve set up accounts at all of those sites you are using these tools to submit to).

By putting in the hard work initially and streamlining the process of content generation and promotion whenever possible, you will reach a point where you get strong traffic to your site on a consistent basis through your Web 2.0 efforts and are no longer subject to the whims of the search engines.

Create An Income Online from this 5 Techniques

by Name: Kurt | Thursday, August 21, 2008 in |

Although you really only need one, I am going to give you five ways to make money online in this article. If I had more room, I am sure I could come up with an incredibly long list of ways to use the Internet to make money.

In this post, I will show you five methods to create wealth online, even though you only really need one. Although I am outlining only five methods, there are countless ways to utilize the internet for making money.

1. Amazon.com was one of the first ways to make affiliate money online.com and their affiliate marketing program. As an affiliate, you get paid to sell other peoples’ products. You earn a commission whenever someone buys a product from your affiliate website or through your affiliate link.

2. It did not take Internet marketers long to realize the potential for making money doing email marketing. Of course this brought along with it sending bulk e-mail and spamming. Today the best way to make money doing email marketing is to build an opt in list of subscribers and then to work at getting to know them before you try and sell something.

3. Starting your own website and putting products on it is another great way to make money online. These products can be your own products or they can be products that you get in other ways such as affiliate marketing or resell rights.

4. Blogging is a great way to make money on the Internet today as well. Blogs work extremely well, because anyone can use them without having a technical background. As long as you can type, you can build blog pages. Monetizing your blog is a way to make money with your blog traffic and you can do that in various ways including adding private label right products.

5. One final way that you can make money online is to create your own information products. There is huge money to be made in this because people access the Internet for information. If you can create useful products that solve their problems, they will be willing to pay you for them. You can provide instant access by selling these products online and this will increase your sales closing ratio. You can develop these products in many niches and they are inexpensive to create. The “sky is the limit” when it comes to making money on the internet.

Submit Your Blog to Blog Directories

by Name: Kurt | Saturday, August 09, 2008 in |

All you have to do to bring more traffic to your website is by submitting your blog to various kinds of blog directories. This is very useful for those who just make a new blog and want to increase their blog traffic quickly for free. Here what you need to do is create a new email address to register for submitting blog before your personal email address is flooded by news and message from blog directories administrators. There are few hundreds of blog directories and I recommend you some popular blog directories with high pageranks.

1. Blogarama
2. BlogCatalog
3. Blogtoplist
4. BloggingFusion
5. Bloghop
6. Blogrolling
7. Fuelmyblog
8. MyBloggingarea
9. Topbloglists
10. Myblogdirectory
11. Technorati
12. Topblogarea
13. Topblogging

Technorati is the largest blog directory which tracking more than 100 million blogs. Sign up for technorati.com and verify your authorship, then you will be provided with detailed statistics regarding your blog, how many blogs are linking to your blog which is called as 'authority'. This is one of the best blog directory which will send you tons of traffic if you update your blog regularly.

Some of these blog directories require you to add link back to their site to activate your account. This can also help you to improve your blog's rank in their blog directory. All you need to do is just copy and paste their code to your HTML script. You can view the example on the right panel labelled 'link' on my site. After you have successfully add your blog to these directories, you will stand some chance to get visitors when they search for a particular keyword in the blog directories and your blog appear in the results. If the visitor love your articles, they will visit your site and this is how you will gain a maximum traffic and your blog posts will be indexed faster.

5 Free Steps How to Make Money Online

by Name: Kurt | Friday, August 08, 2008 in |

1. Set up your blog. You need to make decision what are you going to blog about. Find a nice theme and give a suitable name to your blog .There are numerous of free ways to set up a blog and host it for free. I recommend you go with Blogger.com for your first blog. The advantages of blogger are that it's free to set up your blog, you host it for free and it will automatically ping search engines once you have updated your blog. This mean that you will get spidered and found. Go to blogger.com and click on the front page labelled 'create your blog now' and follow the step by step instructions that Blogger provide.

2. Write your content. There has to be some information on your site and you have to make some entries. You can write some of these entries yourself and some can be quotes from sites of interest to your reader that you can post using the Google Toolbar.You can download it for free at toolbar.google.com. The toolbar contains a Blogger button. At the time you visit a site that has something of interest to your readers, you can highlight the appropriate text and thenclick the Blogger button. The content will then be added to your blog along with a link back to the site.

3. After you have some content, for example, a weeks worth of blogging with 1 or 2 entries for everyday, you can now apply for an adsense account. After you sign in to Blogger, you will see an invitation to join Adsense. Use this link and apply for an account.You can find out all about Adsense on the Adsense page. However, basically you get Google ads on your site and get paid if your visitor clicks them. Google will decide what to show on your site based on the content it finds inside. A caution must be taken that Google will reject your application if your site is not considered to have content. Nobody outside of Google knows the precise rules on this. Once you have been accepted you can get some javascript from Google to add to you site. Copy this and then log in to Blogger. Once you have logged into your blog, click the tabs across the top of the screen labelled 'Template'. You need to know a little bit of HTML to help you find the correct location to paste your Google code. After a few practices you will find the right place for you. I would suggest that the ads need to be seen when the site loads but should not be too obvious. You can view the example from my site.

4. Keep write more content. Push yourself with your content post at regular intervals as a number of directories will check on your site. Most visitors will visit on a schedule based on your update schedule. They will probably determine this in the hours after you first submit to them. Which is what we will do next.

5. Submit your site to Blog & RSS directories. Since you are hosting at Blogger, Weblogs.com will already be notified when you update your blog. You will need to submit your site to the various other directorie, some of which will require a link on your site to theirs. These links can be add by click your template below your Blogger logo.

A lot of free ways to make money but it will take time to get going. If you can follow this steps, you can make money online. At last, you can also write more interesting content. All you want is to have the people to come back again and again. Ideally, it's harder to get a new visitor than to keep existing visitors. So make it interesting until some of them tell their friends about it also.

How to drive instant traffic to your website?

by Name: Kurt | Tuesday, August 05, 2008 in |

Well, most of us know that search engines are a good way to bring free traffic to your website. However, doing this is very time consuming and it may take from several weeks to several years to rank highly in google and other search engines... And we don't have much time to wait.

There already is such a system for bringing in instant traffic visitor to your site, "pay-per-click advertising (PPC)". You just need 10 minutes to set up an ad campaign in Google AdWords and then your ad is ready. Immediately, it will begin to bring in traffic to your websites. No matter what you're selling, in just 10 minutes, you have a chance to start making money online.

The advantage using PPC is that you can start new business quickly and cheaply by running an ad campagin for few hours and monitoring its results. This can save you thousands of dollars in advertising. You pay only for visitors that come to your site and a certain amount "per click" on your ad. You don't pay anything if nobody clicks on your ad and also get no visitors. The main target is to get as many visitors as possible, while paying as little as possible per click.

Ads are displayed in the search engines according to what people are searching for. If someone search for, let's say "blood pressure prevention" and you're bidding on the term "blood pressure prevention", your ad will be displayed when someone searches for that phrase. Traffic is very important. It determines the success of any business. More people visit your site= more chance of making sales of your products = more money coming into your bank.

Form Relationship With Your Readers

by Name: Kurt | Monday, August 04, 2008 in |

Blogging is a two-way street. You cannot exist without readers and readers don't exist unless they have something to read. Blogging is about forming relationships. There's the relationship between you and the readers and relationship between you and other blogs in your niche. It is up to you to get to know them and form this relationship.

Always Update Your Blog

by Name: Kurt | Friday, August 01, 2008 in |

A non-updated blog is a dead blog. If you cannot commit to a consistent blogging schedule, then it's best not to blog until you can. This is where blogging about your passion comes in. If you're passionate about the topic, then chances are you'll keep blogging about it. Ideally, you should update the blog everyday.

Get Your Own Domain Name

by Name: Kurt | Friday, July 25, 2008 in |

While it certainly is possible to start a blog for nothing by using free service like Blogger.com or Wordpress.com. I recommend every blogger starting to get their own domain name. The cost is next to nothing and you can still host it for free if you want (Blogger allows that). If you do not wish to use the Blogger platform, you’ll have to pony up for web hosting but that’s pretty damn cheap as well.
Having your own domain makes you look more professional. While it may not make you a pro-blogger, he ad networks will take you a lot more seriously. Some ad networks will not accept a site unless it has its own domain name. If you do it right, having your own domain and web hosing won’t cost you anything because the income the blog generates will more than offset the cost.

It’s better to get the domain name at the start than down the road. The last thing you want to do is build up a blog with Blogspot, get a ton of backlinks, PageRank, Alexa and Technorati rankings, and then have to move it to its own domain and start over.

Blog Something You Like

by Name: Kurt | Friday, July 25, 2008 in |

If you are not passionate about your topic, you are not going to stick to it. The best way to decide what to blog is to ask yourself, “Would I do this for free” If the answer is yes, then you have found your topic. People who blog only for money seldom succeed.

Make Money with Text Link Ads

by Name: Kurt | Wednesday, July 23, 2008 in |

Text Link Ads is one of the featured ad networks. It help make money online by selling those text links you'll see frequently under "Featured Sites." The links offer advertisers traffic and search engine benefits and readers don't seem mind them at all because they are not intrusive. Your link price is set by Text Link Ads and is based on Alexa, Google PageRank, number of RSS subscribers, and other factors.

Make Money with Google Adsense

by Name: Kurt | Wednesday, July 23, 2008 in |

If you don't know what google adsense is then you've been living under rock. This is pretty much a must have if you want to make money from a blog. Google display simple text and images ads on your blog that are targeted to what you're writing about. Google has been a consistent money maker for my blog

Set a Time Limit on Your Goal

by Name: Kurt | Tuesday, July 22, 2008 in |

Can you imagine buying a presale condominium and not knowing when it will be completed? The only answer the developer would give us is, It'll be finished someday." Would you buy it? Well, imagine trying to sell your dream this way: "Someday, my dream will come true." If you wouldn't buy the condo, why would you buy the dream?

If you wish to achieve anything in life, you have to place a time limit on it. A time limit forces you to take action instead of sitting on the couch saying "Someday I'll get there". Don't be afraid to fail. Know that failure is required in order to suceed. You will not find a successful person who doesn't have a few stores to tell about their failures.

Making a living off the Internet is something many people want to do. It's something many of my frinds dream of doing. However, after all these years, onlly two have actually done it. You know why? They actually listen to me when I said, "Go build a site." Others whom I gave the same advice to were all positive, saying "Ya! Sounds great, I need to do this. Working at a job sucks!"

I'm still waiting to see the sites. I'm sure they'll get to it someday

Goal or Dreams?

by Name: Kurt | Tuesday, July 22, 2008 in |

Do you know how to tell a successful person from an unsucessful one? The easiest way is by the language they use. When you talk to a successful person about his goals, he'll tell you what he plans to do and when it will be done. When an unsucessful person talks about his goals, you'll hears something along the lines of, "I hope to do this someday." He's a clue for all you losers out there; someday never comes.

You know why person with loser's mentality always uses words like "someday", "I hope" or "I wish"? He does it because it gives him an out and allows himself to not be accountable for his word. If he was to place a time limit o the goal and doesn't do it, he fails, and a loser hates failing. Winners have no fear of failing because they know success is made from a string of failures. Everyone has dreams and goals. The only difference between a goal and a dream is a goal is a dream with action. We all have dreams; becoming financially independent, having a family, helping charities, etc. However, how many of you have made a goal to achieve your dreams? If you have, did you place a limit on it, or did you just say "I'll do it someday" or "I hope it will happen".

Free Make Money Online

by Name: Kurt | Monday, July 14, 2008 in |

A lot of ways to make money online has been made and millions of people are now working in their comfortable home. The main question is why not that income become apart to you? Most people had tried to make money online but 90 per cent of them end up with a failure.

It's not easy for a beginner start to make money online. They need a lot of knowledge and skill such as build a creative website content, attract high traffic rank to their website, get top 10 postion rank in search engine. Some of them even spend thousand of dollar to buy e-book. It's not necessary to cost you anything to start make money online. All you have to do is just a little hard work into it. So this blog will provide you a free information of how to make money online.

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